Organization Address: 4514 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd, Suite 412, Atlanta, GA 30338
Contact Person: Kendra Yates Contact Person Phone Number: 470-223-3936 Contact Person Email Address: [email protected] Name or Title of ACRE Training: ACRE Basic Customized Employment Services Training Description of ACRE Training: (structure of training, modules, etc.) This 10-webinar virtual course is designed to provide you with the knowledge and strategies needed to deliver community employment services with an emphasis in customized employment. The course usually occurs over a 5-week period. Each week the course will cover a new module (e.g., Introduction to Customized Employment, etc.). For each module, there will be two webinars, readings, and assignments. It will take you approximately 8 hours to complete the weekly webinars, readings and assignments (a total of 40 hours over 5 weeks). All the information and materials for this course are posted on GHA’s Moodle site. Customized Employment Basic or Professional Level: Basic States where training is available (if only in specific state(s), or if in any state) All states Trainer Names: Julie Taylor (McComas), Jessica Kreho, Marsie Hartman, Nancy Brooks-Lane, Doug Crandell, Beth Keeton, Corey Smith, Russell Sickles, Ciara Ladroma, Janet Steveley, Molly Sullivan, Tricia Jones-Parkin. Training Format: Hybrid: Online/Webinars Comments are closed.