Organization Address: 16000 Christensen Rd, Suite 308, Tukwila, WA 98188 Contact Person: Emily Harris, [email protected] Contact Person Phone Number: (503) 750-9776 Name or Title of ACRE Training: The Wise Online Academy 100 Series Description of ACRE Training: The Wise Online Academy (WOA) 100 Series ACRE is an online training series based on customized employment core competencies. It is designed to provide employment professionals the training, knowledge, and skills they need to deliver quality customized competitive integrated employment services to people with developmental and intellectual disabilities. This series is designed for people working in the field of vocational services for people with disabilities, including Employment Specialists, Job Coaches, Job Developers, Vocational Specialists, Transition Specialists, Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors, or anyone who works in the field and wants to add to their knowledge, skills, and abilities to deliver quality employment services. Customized Employment Basic or Professional Level: Basic Customized Employment States where training is available (if only in specific state(s), or if in any state) All states. Any state or location, attendance is virtual. Trainer Names: David Murahashi, Anthony Contreras – Sanches, Robyn Slocom, Jenny Crook, Charly Walters, Katherine Titus, Jaimie Laitinen, Heather Evens Training Format: Online- WISE: Washington Initiative for Supported Employment (Series 200)Organization Address: 16000 Christensen Rd, Suite 308, Tukwila, WA 98188
Contact Person: Jenny Crook, [email protected] Contact Person Phone Number: (503) 729-9690 Name or Title of ACRE Training: The Wise Online Academy 200 Series Description of ACRE Training: The Wise Online Academy (WOA) 200 Series is an advanced training program designed specifically for seasoned professionals in the employment support field. This unique, six-month practicum offers a robust blend of theory, hands-on experience, and mentorship to prepare you for the next level of your career. Coursework is a mix of live virtual class sessions, on-demand modules, and assignments to be completed outside of class. Participant commitment is about 12 hours per month. Customized Employment Basic or Professional Level: Professional Customized Employment States where training is available (if only in specific state(s), or if in any state): All states, attendance is virtual Trainer Names: Lisa Latchford, Fox and Associates. Jim Corey, Wise. Emily Harris, Wise. Debra Mclean, consultant. Aimee Nelson, Trillium Employment Services. Wendy Taliaferro, Trillium Employment Services Training Format: Online - Comments are closed.