In order to streamline our email and to ensure messages are responded to in a timely manner, we have created two new email address for ACRE correspondence:
The ACRE Treasurer email should be utilized for all correspondences with the Treasurer of ACRE for items and inquires related to:
The Curriculum Coordination email should be used for:
The ACRE Treasurer email should be utilized for all correspondences with the Treasurer of ACRE for items and inquires related to:
- invoices (Membership, Curriculum Review)
- stipends (completing a curriculum review)
- financial documents (W9)
The Curriculum Coordination email should be used for:
- submission of names for the certificate registry
- requests regarding copies of certificates
- inquiring about creating/revising curriculum
- questions regarding preparing for a curriculum review
For all correspondence or membership payments
should be sent to:
Association of Community Rehabilitation Educators
PO Box 38684
Colorado Springs, CO 80937
should be sent to:
Association of Community Rehabilitation Educators
PO Box 38684
Colorado Springs, CO 80937
reach out to ACRE's Association Support Specialist if you have any other questions