The 2013 ACRE Presidential Award Recipient was Judi Goldston.
Congratulations and Thank you, Judi!!
The revised competencies were voted on and approved at the June Membership meeting.
They will be available soon. 2013 ACRE Competencies
The ACRE Curriculum Review Process and associated documents has now been approved. The Curriculum Review Process and Cover Sheet documents have been posted in the Curriculum Review Process section of this website. Any ACRE member interested in submitting their curriculum for review should review the curriculum review document, complete and submit the cover sheet to Dale Verstegen at [email protected].
It is time to elect ACRE Board members. This year’s election is for: President & Secretary. (Each is a 2-year term). IMPORTANT: Please note that both C Gandolfo & R Froehlich are stepping down from these roles. We must elect new officers to the board. How does this work:
1. Nominate yourself or someone else but let the person know if you do. 2. Complete the attached nomination form. 3. Email the nomination form to Vicki Ferrara at [email protected] by April 15, 2015. Subject: ACRE Nomination “position” (either secretary or president) To ACRE members and those who look to ACRE members for training,
We wish you a happy and healthy holiday season, and a very Happy New Year! - The ACRE Governing Board (Dale, Darla, Vicki, Judi, and Cecilia) Please get any nominations in to Judi Goldston by March 31, 2016!
The ACRE board members are proud to announce that DARLA WILKERSON has been re-elected as our Vice-President and VICKI FERRARA has been re-elected as our Treasurer. On behalf of our membership we thank you for your service. Attention all ACRE members and visitors,
The new Training Calendar feature has been created on the ACRE website. If you are a training provider with an approved ACRE curriculum, contact [email protected] with your upcoming ACRE training events to get them posted on the calendar. |