Organizational Address: 3200 Labore Rd. Ste 104 Vadnais Heights, MN 55110 Contact Person: Jolene Juhl Contact Person Phone Number: 218-380-0554 Name or Title of ACRE Training: Minnesota’s Customized Employment (MN CE) Description of ACRE Training Program: (include details such as: structure of training, modules, etc.) MN CE is a 6-day training spread out over 4 month’s time. We provide training on specific topics then assign those topics as homework and allow approximately 4-5 weeks to perform the homework prior to the next class day. MN CE training includes learning how to navigate through Discovery and Customized Job Development. Basic Level or Professional Level: Basic Level Customized Employment (CE) Where training is available : At this time it is provided in MN only. Names of Trainers: Jolene Juhl, Lindsay Alexander, Josh Dean, Margie Webb Training Format (Select 1): Face-to-Face State:
Minnesota none Training Format: Hybrid: Online/Face-to-Face Comments are closed.